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Jobs - Pedjo Bikes and eBikes

At Pedjo jobs come in three forms:

They may be full time or part time, depending on the job.

We are a no-smoking facility and seek to promote healthy habits.

The Work, Available Positions

Positions #1.
Our new building has created a pressing need. We need to adapt it to our needs and maintain it. This will involve cleaning, painting, carpentry, building bike displays, and taking care of the site – everything that is necessary to keep the place nice.

People who do this are central to the business. It is important work. It requires conscientiousness, dedication, reliability, and ability.

From time to time any of us will need to lay down what we are doing to help out. Everything depends on how nice the building is. Without it we go nowhere.

Similarly these people from time to time may be asked to lend a hand in manufacturing or other jobs that need to be done.

Positions #2.
Manufacturing: Tube bending, building bike frames and accessories, workstation building, training others to use workstations. (Machine shop experience, TIG welding experience, or manufacturing experience is often helpful.)

Positions #3.
Electronics, software, electrical engineering. Area of work: Arduino, Rasperberry PI 2, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, SPI, I2C, GPS, data logging, sensors, power control, Android/IOS display and communication, EagleCAD, board design, sending out to PCB board and pick and place houses, testing them, et cetera. Whatever path it takes to get there, the end result must be that the electronics work reliably and that they work smoothly and easily for the user. See Great Finishers.

Positions #4.
Web pages and web interactions, user photos and video gallery, reputation engine to evaluate makers at different locations, data logging assistance and analysis, anti-theft reporting and recovery systems, Github and forum management. A clean functional site that gets business done smoothly for Pedjo users.

All positions blend into manufacturing and considerable overlap can exist between positions. We work together to make it work for us and for the consumer alike. This is where the business gets its traction. We turn out products and we train others how to use and build them. So it has to work at both ends, here and out there.

Public Benefit Corporation and Dilives

There are two documents that back up the company's attitude.

First, Pedjo is incorporated as a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC). Its Certificate of Incorporation requires that it do the following:

The Certificate of Incorporation obligates Pedjo to take into consideration income distribution among all people who it directly employs and compensates for their work and illustrate how that income distribution compares to past income distribution curve estimates for the USA.

The products that the corporation develops are required to be produced for the benefit of the public and where applicable to be open-source — both open-source software and hardware.

And the corporation is to strike a balance between developing or manufacturing useful products, seeking to meet needs of customers, seeking to preserve the well being of the firm, and seeking to achieve adequate profitability. Shareholder value and/or short-term profit maximization shall not override above considerations taken as a whole.

In short, there is a burden on the corporation to predominantly have a positive impact on society and on those who are materially affected by its conduct and to make a report once every two years evaluating how well it accomplished its public benefit purpose.

Second, the worker has an added degree of confidence that the corporation will be attentive to income distribution within the company because I, the founder of Pedjo, am also the author of the definitive work on income distribution: Distribution of Lives: the maldistribution plague 2012 (Dilives)

If you have any doubts about my orientation, you can read my views in black and white there. And, the Dilives video is explicit in the extreme. I expect that a follow-up book will use the Pedjo experience to illustrate a practical experiment in income distribution in today’s world.

A word of caution. A friend of mine is fond of the rather cynical expression, “No good deed goes unpunished.” Do not have unreasonable glowing expectations or interpret any of the above as an expression of perfection or Nirvana. To the contrary, the real world implementation may not differ much from some other businesses which you may already be familiar with. Perhaps systemic elements may be tweaked positively, but the pony remains on each of us individually. No magic, but hopefully it will end up being fun, productive, and profitable.

I don’t want to burst the bubble, but work is work. And life is life. (a Ha Ha moment: Never resist the opportunity to mouth the irrefutably obvious.)

The Underlying Attitude

We are a startup. The objective is to work together in a way that comes as close to a Technical Camelot as reasonably possible.

In view of the outsized benefits that have gone to the super-rich and the grossly distorted income distribution which has unstoppably worsened the lot of the worker over the past 30 years, we intend to exert a calming influence.

Within this company we intend to return to the generally fair income distributions of the kind that benefited workers from the 1950s-1970s. Do not expect magic or promises of utopia. The 1950s-1970s were not perfect for the worker, but they were certainly a lot better than what we have now. So what we are trying to do is to operate passably rationally knowing full well that the day-to-day world will continue to present ample stumbling points regardless any alleviating measures we may take.

Though it is not common, we take the view that it is best at the outset to openly discuss the business side of Pedjo. A large revenue is required to make the business viable and to provide an adequate, but not excessive, rate of return for investors and satisfactory livelihood for workers. So beneath any feel-good aspects, the core business must function smoothly.

In a detailed, but still preliminary Pedjo study, it seems to boil down to $175,000 ongoing revenue being required to prevent losing money and $350,000+ being necessary to have a thriving business. It is well to note that in the study, what is read as "dividends" is in large measure effectively a rental payment that the corporation is paying for the building that it owns outright as a consequence of its founding stock investment.

Also you can see that from a broader analysis on that page that the rewards to the investor are generally capped at a rate of return roughly consistent the common average rate of return an investor derives from putting money in the stock market. Placing an upper limit on funds going to investors increases the likelihood that so long as revenues are sufficient, workers and customers alike will benefit, instead of unconscionable riches going to investors.

Only with a financially thriving business do workers and customers alike benefit. So that is the course we intend to follow. It is serious business with a lot at stake. There will be an uncertain starting period where losses are inevitable, but once we have our footing, workers and investors alike must feel secure financially.

As you see, each of us depend on the other to be productive. There isn’t much room for slack, because the need for revenue requires that all of us deliver.

It is also clear that there is a huge amount of room for innovation and a bright future. Twin tube bicycle frames are our signature. We are not beholden to any past bike building tradition. We can use whatever is available and use whatever we create to make great bikes.

Contact Us

Pedjo uses a simple text contact form for jobs and for investors. Do not be deceived by its plain appearance. It is serious and with it you can readily add appropriate information.

The form is designed to give us information we need. Download it here. Enter in the necessary information and add information that you feel is needed.

If you have a YouTube video link or photos you may include them. Do not use attachments with a massively large file size without getting prior approval.

Please note that a resume can and perhaps often should be included. I generally take a dim view of the corporate-speak, demeaning, straight-jacketed resume approach that is now widely used. But if your resume is informative, include it.

What I need is a showing of what you have done and what you can do and those points that come to bear on how well you would do the job for Pedjo.

Return by email to the address on our contact page.

Thank you.